Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have thouroughly enjoyed my mom and dad!
So has Trinitee!

This is what Landon does when no one is watching.

Star Wars.

I know i have neglected you for a while. I have been enjoying my mom and dad my kids and my grandkids. Last saturday we visited Shawny in Mesa. We had breakfast at Crackers (so yummy!), and went shopping. Her little apt. is so cute.

My grand kids spent hte night on sat. and came to church with us. Boy have I forgotten what it takes to get kids ready for church. All in all it was a very busy weekend filled with fun!
Mom and dad are leaving tomorrow, what am I going to do?


Vickie said...

I'll tell you what you are gonna do, you are gonna miss them.
Cute grandkids.
Shawny's place is so cute, good for Shawna.
I wish I could go to crackers, I'm hungry sister.

kms said...

Shawny's place is so great! Please pass on my love to her.

Hezstone said...

Cute gran pics! Glad I got to see your parents, even if it was brief..they are so adorable!
Does Shawny have a blog?
Is that why you called on my phone? I would have loved to have come to meet you guys? But I was helping family leave...love ya! xx

Sassy said...

How sad you must be feeling...your folks are great! Seriously can I rent them next time they are in Arizona...you are very lucky to have them and they are lucky to have you...

Shawny is quite the little homemaker...she is very talented and I ♥ her home and I ♥ her...and by dangit...I ♥ Crackers too...love me some bread pudding....yummmm